– Common Function Library Project

FilterMask(string, mask[, filter])

Last updated October 15, 2004


Joshua Olson

Version: 2 | Requires: CF5 | Library: StrLib

Applies a formatting mask to a string. Valid masks are: <UL><LI>_ character unchanged </LI><LI>0 character is unchanged for numerics and forced to zero for all others </LI><LI>9 character is unchanged for numerics and forced to empty for all others </LI><LI>a character is forced to lower case, all others are left as is </LI><LI>A character is forced to upper case, all others are left as is </LI><LI>b character is forced to lower case, numerics are forces to empty </LI><LI>B character is forced to upper case, numerics are forces to empty </LI><LI>\ following character is literal </LI></UL>

Return Values:
Returns a string.


<CFSET str="706-555-1212ext123">
<CFSET mask="(___)___-____">
<CFSET filter="numeric">
Given str="#str#", mask="#mask#", and filter="#filter#"<BR>
The FilterMask version is #FilterMask(str, mask, filter)#


Name Description Required
string String to be modified. Yes
mask See Mask description above. Yes
filter Option filter to apply before applying the mask. May be 'alpha', 'numeric', or 'alphanumeric'. Any characters not within the set specified are removed from the input before the mask is applied. No

Full UDF Source:

 * Applies a filter mask to a string.
 * @param string      String to be modified. (Required)
 * @param mask      See Mask description above. (Required)
 * @param filter      Option filter to apply before applying the mask. May be 'alpha', 'numeric', or 'alphanumeric'. Any characters not within the set specified are removed from the input before the mask is applied. (Optional)
 * @return Returns a string. 
 * @author Joshua Olson ( 
 * @version 2, October 15, 2004 
function FilterMask(value, mask) {

 var filter = ",";
 var t_value = "";
 var pos = 1;
 var t_value_len = 0;
 var character = "";
 var literal = 0;
 var char_at_pos = "";
 var argc = ArrayLen(arguments);
 if (argc EQ 2) ArrayAppend(arguments,filter);
 filter = arguments[3];

  t_value = value;
  value = "";

  if (LCase(filter) IS "alphanumeric")
    t_value = REReplace(t_value, "[^[:alnum:]]", "", "ALL");
  else if (LCase(filter) IS "numeric")
    t_value = REReplace(t_value, "[^[:digit:]]", "", "ALL");
  else if (LCase(filter) IS "alpha")
    t_value = REReplace(t_value, "[^[:alpha:]]", "", "ALL");

  t_value_len = Len(t_value);

  for (i=1; i LTE Len(mask); i = i + 1) {
    character = Mid(mask, i, 1);
    if (literal)
      value = value & character;
      literal = "0";
    } else
      if (t_value_len GTE pos)
        char_at_pos = Mid(t_value, pos, 1);
        char_at_pos = "";
      pos = pos + 1;
      if (character IS "9") {
        if (IsNumeric(char_at_pos)) value = value & Val(char_at_pos);
      } else
      if (character IS "0") {
        value = value & Val(char_at_pos);
      } else
      if (character IS "_") {
        value = value & char_at_pos;
      } else
      if (character IS "A") {
        value = value & UCase(char_at_pos);
      } else
      if (character IS "a") {
        value = value & LCase(char_at_pos);
      } else
      if (character IS "B") {
        if (NOT IsNumeric(char_at_pos)) value = value & UCase(char_at_pos);
      } else
      if (character IS "b") {
        if (NOT IsNumeric(char_at_pos)) value = value & LCase(char_at_pos);
      } else
      if (character IS "\") {
        literal = 1;
        pos = pos - 1;
      else {
        value = value & character;
        pos = pos - 1;
  return value;


Latest Additions

Raymond Camden added
November 04, 2017

Leigh added
May 11, 2016

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May 10, 2016

Kevin Cotton added
May 05, 2016

Raymond Camden added
April 25, 2016

Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson