– Common Function Library Project

StructRenameKey(struct, key, newkey[, allowOverwrite])

Last updated June 26, 2002


Erki Esken

Version: 1 | Requires: CF5 | Library: DataManipulationLib

Renames a specified key in the specified structure. You can optionally choose if overwriting existing key is allowed or not (by default overwriting is not allowed).

Return Values:
Returns a structure.


    foo = StructNew();
    foo["foo"] = ArrayNew(1);
    foo["foo"][1] = "foo one";
    foo["foo"][2] = "foo two";
    foo["bar"] = "bar";
    foo["foobar"] = "foobar";

<cfdump var="#foo#">


Renamed (allowoverwrite = false):
<cfset foo = StructRenameKey(foo, "foo", "foobar")>
<cfdump var="#foo#">


Renamed (allowoverwrite = true):
<cfset foo = StructRenameKey(foo, "foo", "foobar", true)>
<cfdump var="#foo#">


Name Description Required
struct The structure to modify. Yes
key The key to rename. Yes
newkey The new name of the key. Yes
allowOverwrite Boolean to determine if an existing key can be overwritten. Defaults to false. No

Full UDF Source:

 * Renames a specified key in the specified structure.
 * @param struct      The structure to modify. (Required)
 * @param key      The key to rename. (Required)
 * @param newkey      The new name of the key. (Required)
 * @param allowOverwrite      Boolean to determine if an existing key can be overwritten. Defaults to false. (Optional)
 * @return Returns a structure. 
 * @author Erki Esken ( 
 * @version 1, June 26, 2002 
function StructRenameKey(struct, key, newkey) {
    // Allow overwriting existing keys or not?
    var AllowOverWrite = false;
    switch (ArrayLen(Arguments)) {
        case "4":
            AllowOverWrite = Arguments[4];

    // No key or keys are the same? Return.
    if (NOT StructKeyExists(struct, key) OR CompareNoCase(key, newkey) EQ 0)
        return struct;

    if (NOT AllowOverWrite AND StructKeyExists(struct, newkey)) {
        // New key already exists and overwriting is off? Return.
        return struct;
    } else {
        // Duplicate and delete old. Return.
        struct[newkey] = Duplicate(struct[key]);
        StructDelete(struct, key);
        return struct;


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Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson