– Common Function Library Project

getExcelPercentile(values, percentile[, inclusive])

Last updated December 27, 2013


Dan Bracuk

Version: 1 | Requires: CF8 | Library: UtilityLib

Returns the requested percentile using an equivalent to the MS Excel percentile() / percentile.exc() functions.

Return Values:
Returns a numeric that is the specified percentile score given the values in the passed-in array.


numbers = [];
for (i=1; i <= randRange(1,20); i++){
    arrayAppend(numbers, randRange(1,1000));
percentile = randRange(1,100);

result = getExcelPercentile(numbers, percentile);


Name Description Required
values Array of numeric values to return percentile for. Yes
percentile Percentile to calculate (0-100). Yes
inclusive Whether to perform an inclusive (percentile()) or exclusive (percentile.exc()) calculation. Will throw a PercentileOutOfBounds exception if using exclusive percentile and 'percentile' falls outwith 1/(n+1) and n/(n+1), where 'n' is the length of the values array. No

Full UDF Source:

 Returns the requested percentile()
 v0.9 by Dan Bracuk
 v1.0 by Adam Cameron. Adjusting slightly to more-closely replicate the Excel functions
 v1.1 by Adam Cameron. Fixing typo I introduced into v1.0
 @param values      Array of numeric values to return percentile for. (Required)
 @param percentile      Percentile to calculate (0-100). (Required)
 @param inclusive      Whether to perform an inclusive (percentile()) or exclusive (percentile.exc()) calculation. Will throw a PercentileOutOfBounds exception if using exclusive percentile and 'percentile' falls outwith 1/(n+1) and n/(n+1), where 'n' is the length of the values array. (Optional)
 @return Returns a numeric that is the specified percentile score given the values in the passed-in array. 
 @author Dan Bracuk ( 
 @version 1.1, December 27, 2013 
<cffunction name="getExcelPercentile" returntype="numeric" output="false" hint="Equivalent to the MS Excel percentile() / percentile.exc() functions.">
    <cfargument name="values" type="array" required="true" hint="Array of numeric values to return percentile for.">
    <cfargument name="percentile" type="numeric" required="true" hint="Percentile to calculate (0-100).">
    <cfargument name="inclusive" type="boolean" required="false" default="true" hint="Whether to perform an inclusive (percentile()) or exclusive (percentile.exc()) calculation. Will throw a PercentileOutOfBounds exception if using exclusive percentile and 'percentile' falls outwith 1/(n+1) and n/(n+1), where 'n' is the length of the values array.">

        var rangeArray = arguments.values;
        var rangePoint = 0;
        var integerPart = 0;
        var decimalPart = 0;
        var returnValue = 0;
        var pctile = arguments.percentile * .01;
        var numberOfValues = arrayLen(arguments.values);

        arraySort(rangeArray, "numeric");

        if (!inclusive) {
            rangePoint = (numberOfValues - 1) * pctile + 1;
        else {
            rangePoint = (numberOfValues + 1) * pctile;

        if (rangePoint > numberOfValues || rangePoint < 1){
            throw(type="PercentileOutOfBounds", message="Percentile out of bounds", detail="PERCENTILE falls outwith 1/(n+1) and n/(n+1), where 'n' is the length of the VALUES array.");

        if (rangePoint > numberOfValues) {
            rangePoint = numberOfValues;
        else if (rangePoint < 1) {
            rangePoint = 1;

        // if rangePoint is an integer, return that array element
        if (round(rangePoint) == rangePoint) {
            returnValue = rangeArray[rangePoint] ;
        else {
            integerPart = int(rangePoint);
            decimalPart = rangePoint - integerPart;
            returnValue = rangeArray[integerPart] + decimalPart * (rangeArray[integerPart + 1] - rangeArray[integerPart]);
        return returnValue;


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