– Common Function Library Project


Last updated October 14, 2008


Douglas Knudsen

Version: 1 | Requires: CF5 | Library: UtilityLib

CVS has no easy way to return a list of tags for a module. The common method is to parse the results of rlog to obtain this list. Use cfexecute, or some other method, to execute cvs rlog -h -l <filelist>. Pass the results to getTagListFromRLOG() to get a list of tags on the file list. See getAllFilesInModule() for help in building this file list.

Return Values:
Returns a string.


<!--- sample rlog results --->
<cfset rlog = "RCS file: /rrt/agentanalysis/com/alltel/rapid/agentanalysis/view/MainView.mxml,v head: 1.17 branch: locks: strict access list: symbolic names: HD0000002580216: 1.16 HD0000002496921: 1.15 HD0000002488496: 1.14 HD0000002373393: 1.14 HD0000002333286: 1.14 keyword substitution: kv total revisions: 17" />
<cfset myTagList = getTagListFromRLOG(rlog) />


Name Description Required
rlog RLog results from CVS. Yes

Full UDF Source:

 * returns a list of tags for a module in CVS based on passed in rlog results.
 * @param rlog      RLog results from CVS. (Required)
 * @return Returns a string. 
 * @author Douglas Knudsen ( 
 * @version 1, October 14, 2008 
function getTagListFromRLOG( rlog )    {
        var myrlog = replace(arguments.rlog,'=============================================================================',chr(236),'All');
        var myArray = ListToArray(myrlog,chr(236));
        var myLength = ArrayLen(myArray);
        var startStr = 'symbolic names:';
        var endStr = 'keyword substitution:';
        var startPos = 0;
        var myLen = 0;
        var HDList = '';
        var i = '';
        var j = '';
        var tag = '';
        var hdArray = '';
        var hdArrayLen = 0;
        for(i=1; i LTE myLength; i = i +1)    {
            startPos = Find(startStr,myArray[i])+Len(startStr);
            myLen = Find(endStr,myArray[i]) - Find(startStr,myArray[i]) - Len(endStr);
            if( myLen GT 0 )    {
                hdArray = ListToArray(myArray[i],':');
                hdArrayLen = ArrayLen(hdArray);
                for(j=1; j LTE hdArrayLen; j = j + 1)    {
                    if( Find('HD',hdArray[j]) )    {
                        tag = Mid(hdArray[j],Find('HD',hdArray[j]), Len(hdArray[j]));
                        if(NOT ListContains(HDList,tag,',') )
                            HDList = ListAppend(HDList,tag);
        return HDList;


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November 04, 2017

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Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson