– Common Function Library Project


Last updated April 24, 2009


Simon Potter

Version: 6 | Requires: CF5 | Library: StrLib

Verity_clean strips all invalid characters and word combinations from a search strign to prevent verity from crashing.

Return Values:
Returns a string.


<cfset strs = arrayNew(1)>
<cfset strs[1] = "foo      oo  ooo">
<cfset strs[2] = "foo@moo">
<cfset strs[3] = "andfoo">
<cfset strs[4] = "and foo">
<cfset strs[5] = "or and foo">
<cfset strs[6] = "\and and foo and">
<cfloop index="x" from=1 to="#arrayLen(strs)#">
    <cfoutput><b>#strs[x]#</b> passed to VerityClean is: <b>#verityClean(strs[x])#</b><P></cfoutput>


Name Description Required
input String to Verity clean. Yes

Full UDF Source:

 * Creates a verity &quot;safe&quot; search string.
 * Version 2 rewritten by Raymond Camden
 * Version 3 - made \ into \\ thanks to user comment
 * Version 4 - Fixed bugs identified by John Salonich II (21 JAN 2003), Neal Todd (06 FEB 04), Jeremy Halliwell (01 APR 03). Also added fix for curly brackets, comma, funny quote and plus.
 * v5 bug fixed by Dominic OConnor
 * v6 fix by Mark, when we remove bad chars, replace with space, not nothing
 * @param input      String to Verity clean. (Required)
 * @return Returns a string. 
 * @author Simon Potter ( 
 * @version 6, April 24, 2009 
function verityClean(input) {
    //Value to return after cleaning
    var cleanText = trim(input);
    // List of special characters to remove
    var reBadChars = "\\|@|#chr(34)#|'|<|>|\(|\)|!|=|\[|\]|\{|\}|\#chr(44)#|`|\#chr(43)#";
    // List of words to watch for
    var arProblemWords = "and,or,not";    
    var x = 1;
    var y = 1;
    var temp = "";
    //Turn list into arrays for the loop
    arProblemWords = ListToArray(arProblemWords);    
    // Strip double spaces 
    cleanText = reReplace(cleanText," {2,}"," ","all");

    // Strip bad characters 
    cleanText = reReplace(cleanText,reBadChars," ","all");
    // Clean up sequences of space characters
    cleanText = reReplace(cleanText,"[[:space:]]+"," ","all");

    // Remove dupes and start/end bad words
    for (x = 1; x lte arraylen(arProblemWords); x = x + 1) {
        //remove dupes
        cleanText = trim(reReplace(cleanText,"(#arProblemWords[x]#[[:space:]]+){2,}","","all"));

        //remove arProblemWord[x] + any of the others
        temp = arProblemWords[x] & "[[:space:]]+(";
        for(y = 1; y lte arrayLen(arProblemWords); y=y+1) {
            if(x neq y) {
                temp = temp & arProblemWords[y] & "[[:space:]]+|";
        //remove last |
        temp = left(temp, len(temp)-1);
        //add closing )
        temp = temp & ")";
        cleanText = trim(reReplace(cleanText,temp,"","all"));
        //remove from beginning 
            findNoCase(arProblemWords[x],cleanText) is 1 and 
            reFind("[[:space:]]+",mid(cleanText,len(arProblemWords[x])+1,1)) and 
            mid(cleanText,1,3) NEQ "not"
        ) cleanText = trim(right(cleantext,len(cleantext) - len(arProblemWords[x])));
            findNoCase(arProblemWords[x],cleanText) gt 0 and 
            len(cleanText) eq len(arProblemWords[x])
        ) cleanText = "";
        //remove from end
            findNoCase(arProblemWords[x],cleanText) gt 0 and
            findNoCase(arProblemWords[x],cleanText,len(cleanText) - len(arProblemWords[x])) is (len(cleanText) - len(arProblemWords[x]) + 1)
            reFind("[[:space:]]+",mid(cleanText,len(cleanText) - len(arProblemWords[x]),1))
        ) cleanText = trim(left(cleanText, len(cleanText) - len(arProblemWords[x])));                    
    // Return the cleaned value
    return cleanText;


Latest Additions

Raymond Camden added
November 04, 2017

Leigh added
May 11, 2016

Raymond Camden added
May 10, 2016

Kevin Cotton added
May 05, 2016

Raymond Camden added
April 25, 2016

Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson