– Common Function Library Project


Last updated March 20, 2006


Steve Bryant

Version: 2 | Requires: CF6 | Library: StrLib

This function takes an XML Document (or an XML string) and returns an XML string formatted for readability.

Return Values:
Returns a string.


<cfsavecontent variable="MyXml"><widgets><widget name="Foo">This is a note<part name="Push &amp; Pull" type="tool">Blah</part><part name="Turn" type="gear"/></widget></widgets></cfsavecontent>


Name Description Required
XmlDoc XML document. Yes

Full UDF Source:

 * Formats an XML document for readability.
 * update by Fabio Serra to CR code
 * @param XmlDoc      XML document. (Required)
 * @return Returns a string. 
 * @author Steve Bryant ( 
 * @version 2, March 20, 2006 
function xmlHumanReadable(XmlDoc) {
    var elem = "";
    var result = "";
    var tab = "    ";
    var att = "";
    var i = 0;
    var temp = "";
    var cr = createObject("java","java.lang.System").getProperty("line.separator");
    if ( isXmlDoc(XmlDoc) ) {
        elem = XmlDoc.XmlRoot;//If this is an XML Document, use the root element
    } else if ( IsXmlElem(XmlDoc) ) {
        elem = XmlDoc;//If this is an XML Document, use it as-as
    } else if ( NOT isXmlDoc(XmlDoc) ) {
        XmlDoc = XmlParse(XmlDoc);//Otherwise, try to parse it as an XML string
        elem = XmlDoc.XmlRoot;//Then use the root of the resulting document
    //Now we are just working with an XML element
    result = "<#elem.XmlName#";//start with the element name
    if ( StructKeyExists(elem,"XmlAttributes") ) {//Add any attributes
        for ( att in elem.XmlAttributes ) {
            result = '#result# #att#="#XmlFormat(elem.XmlAttributes[att])#"';
    if ( Len(elem.XmlText) OR (StructKeyExists(elem,"XmlChildren") AND ArrayLen(elem.XmlChildren)) ) {
        result = "#result#>#cr#";//Add a carriage return for text/nested elements
        if ( Len(Trim(elem.XmlText)) ) {//Add any text in this element
            result = "#result##tab##XmlFormat(Trim(elem.XmlText))##cr#";
        if ( StructKeyExists(elem,"XmlChildren") AND ArrayLen(elem.XmlChildren) ) {
            for ( i=1; i lte ArrayLen(elem.XmlChildren); i=i+1 ) {
                temp = Trim(XmlHumanReadable(elem.XmlChildren[i]));
                temp = "#tab##ReplaceNoCase(trim(temp), cr, "#cr##tab#", "ALL")#";//indent
                result = "#result##temp##cr#";
            }//Add each nested-element (indented) by using recursive call
        result = "#result#</#elem.XmlName#>";//Close element
    } else {
        result = "#result# />";//self-close if the element doesn't contain anything
    return result;


Latest Additions

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November 04, 2017

Leigh added
May 11, 2016

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May 10, 2016

Kevin Cotton added
May 05, 2016

Raymond Camden added
April 25, 2016

Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson